1964 Chrysler 300 K Silver Edition (27327919066)

Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA
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<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/greggjerdingen/collections/72157631550277505/">Click here for more car pictures at my Flickr site.</a>

I am sure this is a car I looked at about 20 years ago. It was for sale for one fifth of the asking price now. It was a bad time to get a project car, I lived in a high rise apartment, Downtown St. Paul and it cost $90 a month for an extra space 20 years ago. If I bought the car, I knew I would not be able to tackle the expense and time required to bring this car to the proper condition. The car appears to be very close to the condition I saw it way back then. It is now North of the Twin Cities, the one I saw for sale was on the Southern edge of the Metro Area.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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