1gwe antipar betaSheet both

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2000 x 1100 Pixel (1086403 Bytes)
An example of a 4-stranded antiparallel β sheet fragment from a crystal structure of the enzyme catalase (PDB file 1GWE at 0.88 Å resolution). a) Front view, showing the antiparallel hydrogen bonds (dotted) between peptide NH and CO groups on adjacent strands. Arrows indicate chain direction, and electron density contours outline the non-H atoms. O atoms are red balls, N atoms are blue, and H atoms are omitted for simplicity; sidechains are shown only out to the first sidechain C atom (green). b) Edge-on view of the central two β strands in a, showing the righthanded twist and the pleat of Cαs and sidechains that alternately stick out in opposite directions from the sheet.
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

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