20110912 WN S1015650 0030.jpg - Flickr - NZ Defence Force

New Zealand Defence Force from Wellington, New Zealand
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1800 x 1198 Pixel (427597 Bytes)

On patrol in North East Bamyian with Kiwi Team One, performing both mounted and dismounted patrols

The NZ PRT Bamyan is tasked with maintaining security in Bamyan Province. It does this by conducting frequent presence patrols throughout the province. The PRT also supports the provincial and local government by providing advice and assistance to the Provincial Governor, the Afghan National Police and district sub-governors. Thirdly the NZ PRT identifies, prepares and provides project management for NZAID projects within the region. These are contracted to Afghan companies who hire local workers to assist with the completion of these projects. Thus each project provides new amenities, and also provides employment in the region.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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