2014 - Morocco WMD Parallel Event (3) (cropped)

International Maritime Organization
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Morocco has hosted the 2014 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event (27 to 29 October 2014), with a conference and other activities, focusing on this year's World Maritime Day theme: “IMO conventions: effective implementation”.

The parallel event was opened by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu, who began by handing the official IMO parallel event flag to Mr. Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics, Kingdom of Morocco.

Some 300 representatives from the maritime community in Morocco and other countries, non-governmental organizations and academia, attended a conference and exhibition. A high-level session on 27 October focused on: the role of the International Maritime Organization in the preparation of international maritime conventions and regulations; the three main groups of IMO conventions: safety, environment and liability and compensation; and effective implementation of IMO conventions: national experiences.
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