
Kevin Heider @ LightBuckets

This image was taken by Kevin Heider using LB-001 at LightBuckets in Rodeo, NM
Raw image from telescope
Use Wikisky and enter coordinates 23 54 05.53 -10 22 01.5 to locate this region of the sky.

Skyview (NASA Virtual Telescope) website / Skyview image (centered on where 28 Bellona is)
1154 x 1247 Pixel (178714 Bytes)
5 minute exposure of asteroid 28 Bellona with a 24" telescope. 28 Bellona is apparent magnitude 11.8 in this image taken at 2009-10-25 05:30 UT. The barely blooming star to the lower left of Bellona is magnitude 12.0. There are many faint background galaxies visible in this image. The moon was about to set and was 42% full and 62 degrees away.
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