41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak near M108 and M97 - 2017-03-22
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3448 x 1988 Pixel (2906297 Bytes)
Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak march 22, 2017 20:00-20:45 UTC near Messier 108 and Messier 97 (Owl Nebula).
Esprit 100 triplet APO/ Canon6Da. 17x120 seconds for the comet (Stacked in DeepSkyStacker Cometmode) and 40x240 sec iso1600 (17+18 march 2017). Both stacks combined with pixelmath in Pixinsight. Images for both stacks have the exact same center and orientation.
Knight Observatory, Tomar
Esprit 100 triplet APO/ Canon6Da. 17x120 seconds for the comet (Stacked in DeepSkyStacker Cometmode) and 40x240 sec iso1600 (17+18 march 2017). Both stacks combined with pixelmath in Pixinsight. Images for both stacks have the exact same center and orientation.
Knight Observatory, Tomar
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Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication
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