Alim Khan (1880–1944), Emir of Bukhara, photographed by S.M. Prokudin-Gorskiy in 1911


Taken from the Library of Congress' website and converted from TIFF to PNG.

TIFF file from LOC
3307 x 2859 Pixel (3450458 Bytes)
A picture of Alim Khan (1880-1944), Emir of Bukhara, taken in 1911. This is one of the earliest color photographs in existence and was originally taken by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii as part of his work to document the Russian Empire. It was taken using three black-and-white exposures, with red, green and blue filters respectively, long before color photographic printing existed. The three resulting images were projected using color filters to create a color projection. More recently, the Library of Congress has scanned Prokudin-Gorskii's work and contracted with other firms to produce high-resolution color images from the black and white scans.
Public domain
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Ten image pochodzący z zasobów Biblioteki Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych, oddziału Prints and Photographs division jest dostępny pod numerem prokc.21887.
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