Along the River During the Qingming Festival (Qing Court Version)


Five artists from the Painting Academy and active at the Qing court:

  • Chen Mei (陳枚)
  • Sun Hu (孫祜)
  • Jin Kun (金昆)
  • Dai Hong (戴洪)
  • Cheng Zhidao (程志道)

Stitched and then resized from the original files located at:

Also located at:

56531 x 1700 Pixel (104142966 Bytes)

This painting is known as the "Qing Court Version" of Along the River During the Qingming Festival. Here, the figural scenes are numerous and detailed, happening around noteworthy landmarks and places such as the serene rustic countryside, the Rainbow Bridge (虹橋) and its crowded markets, the lively surroundings and throughways at the city walls and gates, the busy streets and various packed shops, the secluded literati gardens, the Songzhu Hall (松竹軒) as well as the beautiful site of the Jinming Lake (金明池).

This painting was based on the original Along the River During the Qingming Festival (清明上河圖) by Zhang Zeduan (張擇端, fl. early 12th century) in which the original depicted the life and customs at the capital Bianjing (汴京), present-day Kaifeng (開封), of the Song dynasty.
Public domain

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