Antarctica (4), Adelaide Island, Stonehouse Bay

Vincent van Zeijst
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1716 x 1140 Pixel (460034 Bytes)
This picture is from the SW Antarctic Peninsula region. It's an aerial view, looking West, from a position over Laubeuf Fjord to a part of Adelaide Island's east coast. In the foreground on the left is Sighing Peak, which forms the NE extremity of Adelaide Island's Wright Peninsula. The mountains behind it are the Stokes Peaks. The channel in front of Sighing Peak is called Cole Channel (and is actually a part of Laubeuf Fjord). The large body of water on the right is Stonehouse Bay. In the upper right hand corner of the picture, at the western end of Stonehouse Bay, is the huge and heavily crevassed Shambles Glacier; Adelaide Island's largest glacier. To the right of the glacier, at the extreme edge of the picture, is Dewar Nunatak.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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