Artemis program (original with wordmark)

Praca własna based on work by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
200 x 185 Pixel (20619 Bytes)
A faithful recreation of the official insignia of the Artemis program, an initiative by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States to establish a permanent human presence on the Moon. The program, which began in 2017 as a then-unnamed campaign of the agency's Moon to Mars program, aims to place an outpost on the lunar surface at the South Pole–Aitken basin by the end of the 2020s, through the aid of crewed scientific missions that will explore the environment of the lunar south pole utilising the Orion spacecraft, the Lunar Gateway space station, a Human Landing System, and various other contributions from commercial and intergovernmental organisations from various countries. The logo of the program, coloured in "Earth blue, rocket red and lunar silver", incorporates an arrowhead from the quiver of the mythological Artemis with a depiction of a trans-lunar injection trajectory. Recreated in an unspecified program, this work is referenced from an arrowhead badge variant of the logo published by NASA.
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