Arundhati Roy W

Praca własna
1500 x 2251 Pixel (2055447 Bytes)
Arundhathi Roy in 2013
Komentarz do licencji:
This image is not in the public domain. Do not copy illegally. If you use this photograph please notify the same in my talk page.
Attention yellow2.svg This picture is not in the public domain

If you wish to use it, please credit this with: "Augustus Binu" in the immediate vicinity of the image.

An email to UserIconMail.svg Mydreamsparrow would be very appreciated.

Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license below, as it is not in the public domain. If you would like special permission to use, license, or purchase the image please contact me UserIconMail.svgMydreamsparrow to negotiate terms.

Warunki licencji:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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