Baltacı Mehmet Pasha from William Hogarth (1697-1764) illustration Bataille du Prout

William Hogarth (1697-1764)
Original file in Commons
485 x 486 Pixel (173413 Bytes)
Portrait of Ottoman Grand Vizier Baltacı Mehmet Pasha.

Detail cropped from an illustration of the Pruth River Battle by William Hogarth (1697-1764). Illustration appeared in Aubry de la Motraye's book Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa published in 1723.

Aubry de la Motraye ou Mottraye: Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa:with proper cutts and maps : containing a great variety of geographical, topographical, and political observations on those parts of the world, especially on Italy, Turky, Greece, Crim and Noghaian Tartaries, Circassia, Sweden, and Lapland : a curious collection of things particularly rare, both in nature and antiquity, such as remains of antient cities and colonies, inscriptions, idols, medals, minerals, etc. : with an historical account of the most considerable events, London, 1723 Illustrations de William Hogarth (,1697-1764)
Public domain

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