Berry Head - - 1268589

(c) Derek Harper, CC BY-SA 2.0

640 x 480 Pixel (95482 Bytes)
Berry Head "Berry Head is a limestone peninsula rising 200’ (65m) from the sea, forming the southern arm of Tor Bay. It is a 100-acre National Nature Reserve, holding some nationally rare plant and animal species and as a result is part of the European-wide Natura 2000 network; it is also a Country Park that forms the main recreational area for the nearby town and port of Brixham (population 16,000). The site holds two well-preserved Napoleonic War-era Forts and important Second-World War heritage ... A colony of Greater Horseshoe bats lives in caves in the limestone ... The colony of Guillemots breeding on the cliffs is the largest on the Channel coast." Seen from the clifftop near the southern fort, with part of the west fortification of the main fort visible.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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