British Museum Queen of the Night

BabelStone (Praca własna)
1660 x 2208 Pixel (1092789 Bytes)
Relief. Old Babylonian (Mesopotamia). Iraq, south. 19thC BC-18thC BC. Rectangular, baked clay relief panel, H 49.50 cm., Thickness: 4.8 cm.; modelled in relief on the front depicting a nude female figure with tapering feathered wings and talons, standing with her legs together; shown full frontal, wearing a headdress consisting of four pairs of horns topped by a disc; wearing an elaborate necklace and bracelets on each wrist; holding her hands to the level of her shoulders with a rod and ring in each; figure supported by a pair of addorsed lions above a scale-pattern representing mountains or hilly ground, and flanked by a pair of standing owls. Known as the "Burney Relief" or the "Queen of the Night". Museum number 2003,0718.1 [1]
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