CSIRO ScienceImage 10819 The tail ends of 11 Haemonchus contortus barbers pole worm adult females The worms are all taken from one sheep infected with a single strain of this worm species

(c) CSIRO, CC BY 3.0

division, CSIRO
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Barber's pole worm is a roundworm that grows up to 30 millimetres long and sucks blood from the lining of the sheep's stomach,causing anaemia. Symptoms include swelling under thejaw (bottle jaw), weight loss and reduced wool growth and tensile strength. In lactating ewes, milk production can decline. More severe infections can prove fatal. Female worms have a red and whitestriped appearance, from which the common name 'barber's pole' worm is derived. Barber's pole worms are the highest egg producers of all sheep worms — females can lay up to 10,000 eggs per day.
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