Canterbury Pulpit detail - National Cathedral - DC

Tim Evanson
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Closeup of the Langton figure on the Canterbury Pulpit at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

The stone for this pulpit originally was part of the Bell Harry Tower of Canterbury Cathedral, and is made of French limestone. The intricately carved pulpit was presented to the cathedral in 1907 by the Most Rev. Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, in memory of his illustrious predecessor, Stephen Langton. The resident architect of the Canterbury Cathedral, William D. Caroe, designed the pulpit. It depicts people and scenes relating to the translation of the Bible into English. In the central bas-relief, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, is memorialized for his role in urging the English Barons to make King John sign the Magna Carta.

The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered the final Sunday sermon of his life from this pulpit, just a few days before his assassination.
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