Carte du tendre 300dpi

old engraving (see fr:Carte_de_Tendre)
4468 x 3204 Pixel (23181803 Bytes)
Allegorical map of the stages of love; starting near center top, one can go by way of the Reconaissance river (through the towns of Constante Amitié, Obeissance, Tendresse, Sensibilité, Grandes Services, Empressements, Assiduité, Petits Soins, Soumission, Complaisance) or by way of the Estime river (through the towns of Bonté, Respect, Exactitude, Generosité, Probité, Grand Coeur, Sincerité, Billet doux, Billet galant, Jolis Vers, and Grand esprit), or by way of the Inclination river (the most direct route) to arrive at the goal of Nouvelle Amitié. However, avoid Meschanceté, Médisance, Perfidie, Indiscretion, and Orgueil near the Mer d'Inimitié, as well as Oubli, Legereté, Tiedeur, Inegalité, and Negligence on the side of the Lac D'Indiference...
Public domain
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