Centrosaurus dinosaur

i did it myself using this images as reference:[1],[2], [3], [4] and [5]
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Centrosaurus (SEN-tro-sawr-us) meaning "pointed lizard" (from Greek kentron/κεντρον = "point or prickle" + sauros/σαυρος = "lizard"), in reference to the hornlets on its frill, but not as is often stated to the (at the moment of naming unknown) horn on its nose, was a herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period of North America about 75 million years ago. The first discovery of this species was in Alberta, Canada.
Public domain
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Public domain Ten utwór został udostępniony jako własność publiczna przez jego autora, LadyofHats. Dotyczy to całego świata.

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