Church spires in Galashiels - - 717309

(c) Walter Baxter, CC BY-SA 2.0

637 x 415 Pixel (118219 Bytes)
Church spires in Galashiels Viewed from the High Road, this shows in the left foreground, St Andrew's Arts Centre in Bridge Street which was built as St Andrew's Church in 1885. The spire in the centre is at St Aidan's Church in Gala Park, opened in 1880 but closed in 2005. The red sandstone spire behind St Aidan's Church is at Old Parish and St Paul's Church in Scott Crescent which opened in 1881. The 58m spire was finished in 1885 and for the past few years a pair of peregrine falcons have nested here and successfully reared young. The former spire of St Andrew's Church was reduced to a small pyramidal roof, a poor substitute for what was a great spire, and a major loss to the roofscape of the town.
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