Coanda 1910

NieznanyUnknown author
Published in Flight magazine 29 October 1910.
476 x 191 Pixel (76134 Bytes)
The Coandă-1910 was the first aircraft built with a turbine powerplant which compressed and heated air, and expelled it rearward for thrust. It was constructed by Romanian inventor Henri Coandă and exhibited by him at the Second International Aeronautical Exhibition in Paris in October 1910. In the 1950s, Coandă began to claim that this aircraft was the first jet, and that it flew once and crashed at the French Army airfield Issy-les-Moulineaux on the outskirts of Paris. Some aviation historians agreed, and some disputed his claim.
Public domain
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Flightglobal logo.png This file comes from a set of 581 images from the Flight magazine archives which were provided to Wikimedia Commons by Flightglobal in December 2015.

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