Coarctation and PDA

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Źródło nie zostało podane w rozpoznawalny automatycznie sposób. Założono, że to praca własna (w oparciu o szablon praw autorskich).
555 x 568 Pixel (44417 Bytes)

Schematic drawing of alternative locations of a coarctation of the aorta. I, Kjetil Lenes, have made the drawing myself, after information from Valdes-Cruz LM, Cayre RO: Echocardiographic diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Philadelhia, 1998.. Legend: A: ductal coarctation, B: preductal coarctation, C: postductal coarctation. 1: Aorta ascendens, 2: Arteria pulmonalis, 3: Ductus arteriosus, 4: Aorta descendens, 5: Trunchus brachiocephalicus, 6: Arteria carotis communis sinister, 7: Arteria subclavia sinister

The picture is somewhat misleading, with left pulmonary artery crossing behind aorta. This will be changed in a future drawing.
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