Complex Książ

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Ta SVG grafika rastrowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape .
913 x 600 Pixel (49381 Bytes)
Underground complex below Książ Castle, part of Project Riese.

(1) 88 m, (2) 42 m, (3) 85 m and (4) 70 m, are tunnels leading to the second level of the underground, 53 m under the courtyard.

(5) is a provisional, short tunnel from the gardens to assist in excavation of the elevator shaft.

(6) is an entrance from the gardens leading to the first level of the underground 15 m below the castle, length 80 m.

(7) is an elevator shaft leading from the first level of the underground to the fourth floor of the castle.

(8) is a staircase connecting the first level of the underground to the cellar of the castle.

(9) is an elevator shaft hidden 15 m under the courtyard, connecting the first and the second level of the underground, length 35 m.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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