Fishing for Souls Edytuj to na Wikidanych

Fishing for Souls
label QS:Lit,"Pesca delle anime"
label QS:Lnl,"De zielenvisserij"
label QS:Len,"Fishing for Souls"
label QS:Lde,"Seelenfischerei"

Credit: : Home : Info
1955 x 1032 Pixel (1240452 Bytes)
Fishing for souls: allegory of the jealousy between the various religious denominations during the Twelve Years Truce (1609-1621) between the Dutch Republic and Spain. A river landscape with large numbers of people standing on either side of the river. In the river are several rowing boats. In the sky a rainbow is visible. The group of people on the left side are protestants with their patrons, the prices of Orange, Maurice and Frederick Henry, Frederick V of the Palatinate, James I of England and a youthful Louis XIII of France with his mother, Marie de' Medici. The rowing boat on the foreground contains protestant 'fishermen' with fishing nets marked with the words Fides, Spes and Charitas (Faith, Hope and Love). The group of people on the right are catholics with their patrons, Albert and Isabella, general Ambrosio Spinola and the pope being carried by cardinals. In the catholic boat priest are 'fishing', while being overseen by a bishop.
Public domain

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