Diagnostic characters of Zephyrarchaea and Austrarchaea

Michael G. Rix and Mark S. Harvey, Western Australia Museum
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Rix M, Harvey M (2012) Australian Assassins, Part II: A review of the new assassin spider genus Zephyrarchaea (Araneae, Archaeidae) from southern Australia. ZooKeys 191: 1-62. doi:10.3897/zookeys.191.3070
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Diagnostic characters of Zephyrarchaea and Austrarchaea. A–B, Cephalothorax, lateral view, showing differences in carapace height and the position of accessory setae on male chelicerae: A, male Austrarchaea harmsi Rix & Harvey; B, male Zephyrarchaea marki C–D, Expanded male pedipalps, retro-ventral view, showing differences in the articulation and fusion of the conductor sclerites: C, Austrarchaea helenae Rix & Harvey; D, Zephyrarchaea marae bH = basal haematodocha; C = conductor; C1–2 = conductor sclerites 1–2; Cy = cymbium; E = embolus; Es = embolic sclerite; H = distal haematodocha; T = tegulum; (TS)1–3 = tegular sclerites 1–3. Scale bars: C–D = 0.2 mm.
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