Dornier Do24

NieznanyUnknown ; Photographer not identified, so UK Copyright contended to have lapsed 50 years after publication. Picture prepared for Wikipedia by en:User:Keith Edkins in April 2004, enlarged by Denniss in May 2005.
H.J. Cooper, O.G. Thetford and D.A. Russell: Aircraft of the Fighting Powers Vol I, Harborough Publishing Co, Leicester (UK), 1940.
900 x 534 Pixel (59146 Bytes)
A Dutch Dornier Do 24K-1 flying-boat (s/n X-1, c/n 761) in flight. "X-1" was the first Do 24 ordered by the Marineluchtvaartdienst (Netherlands Naval Aviation Service). It was delivered on 3 July 1937 and finally lost on 3 March 1942 near Broome, Australia, during a Japanese air raid. Parts of the wreck are still visible today.
Public domain

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