Electrophorus cutaway
Solomon Solis Cohen
Downloaded on 2007-12-25 from Solomon Solis Cohen (1902) A System of Physiologic Therapeutics, Vol. 1, Book 1 - Electrophysics, P. Blackiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia on Google Books
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Drawing of an electrophorus from around 1900, showing electric charges. The electrophorus is a static electricity generator invented by Johan Carl Wilcke around 1762. The negative charge on the lower dielectric induces a separation of charge in the upper metal plate, with positive charges attracted to its lower surface and negative charges repelled to its upper surface. The upper surface of the plate is then momentarily grounded, draining off the negative charge, leaving the plate with a positive charge. Alterations: Removed captions and part labels, moved upper and lower plates farther apart to make it clearer.
Public domain
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Public domain - published in USA before 1923
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