FEMA - 36982 - Photograph by Susie Shapira taken on 07-05-2008 in Iowa

Susie Shapira
This image is from the FEMA Photo Library (obsolete as of 2019).
An archived copy may be found at the Wayback Machine (note: link may be permanently dead, as not all photos were backed up in this way).
If the FEMA link is permanently dead, the photo can be found at NARA Access to Archival Databases (only works if photo was taken between 1989 and October 2004).
3000 x 2000 Pixel (4868487 Bytes)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 25, 2008 -- Environmental Restoration, a contracted employee of the EPA, removes debris from the riverside that could be of a potentially hazardous nature. It will be taken to the EPA staging ground, sorted and disposed of properly. Susie Shapira/FEMA
Public domain
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Ta grafika została utworzona przez pracownika Federalnej Agencji Zarządzania Kryzysowego podczas wykonywania czynności służbowych. Jako utwór Rządu Federalnego Stanów Zjednoczonych, grafika ta znajduje się w domenie publicznej.

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