Faelix Saeculum Cracoviae

Łukasz Porębski (Porenbius, Porhebius, Porębowicz?) (1594–1637)
723 x 823 Pixel (107230 Bytes)

Faelix Saeculum Cracoviae: painting of five holy men who lived in Kraków in the 15th century (from left):

  • Michał Giedroyć (with a crucifix and a crutch symbolizing his disability; he steps on a devil, a symbol of temptation)
  • John Cantius (with a book, holding a wreath of laurels and roses; he steps on symbols of wealth)
  • Stanisław Kazimierczyk (with a lily, book, and wreath of laurels; he steps on symbols of pleasure)
  • Szymon of Lipnica (looks adoringly to the sky; he steps on a naked figure with its head in a glass bowl, a symbol of constant changes)
  • Świętosław Milczący (with a finger on his lips and a book; he steps on a figure symbolizing false devotion and hypocrisy
It hangs in the Corpus Christi Church in Kraków. Source for description: Giniūnienė, Asta (2004). "Dievo tarno Mykolo Giedraičio ikonografija". Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis 35. Pirmavaizdis ir kartotė: Vaizdinių transformacijos tyrimai: 130–131. ISSN 1392-0316.
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