Father Damien, photograph by William Brigham

William Brigham


The photo is from the Hawai'i State Archives in Honolulu, Hawai'i. It was taken in 1888, the year before Father Damien's death, by William Brigham, who had come to Molokai as a companion of a leprosy specialist Dr. Prince A. Morrow. The photo, along with various others, were used by the artist Marisol Escobar who sculpted the Father Damien Statue that now stands at the Hawai'i State Capitol and the United States Capitol. This particular likeness was preferred for the sculpture because of the details in scarring on the face, the strongest indicator of leprosy.

(information taken from en.wikipedia, provided by en:user:Gerald Farinas, uploader there)
1002 x 1468 Pixel (309356 Bytes)
Father Damien, taken in 1889, either late February or March, weeks before his death by William Brigham at a side wall of the St. Philomena Catholic Church on the settlement. Only two photographs exist from Brigham's visit, this and the group photo of Damien with the 64 boys of the settlement
Public domain
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