Frequency reuse

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SVG version of Frequency_reuse.fig by Mozzerati
279 x 225 Pixel (9666 Bytes)
This image shows an example of frequency reuse in cellular networks (in this case 4 frequencies are used). The image is an idealised representation with perfectly hexagonal cells. Eight separate cells are shown packed one next to the other. The first cell on the top left uses frequency 1. The cells which are next to it then use frequency 2 and 3. Beyond those cells, another cell again uses frequency 1. This pattern with the same frequency never being reused by direct neighbours repeats across the diagram. The frequency reuse pattern shown is typical example for a digital cellular system (i.e. GSM). For earlier analog systems a higher reuse pattern (7 or greater) is more usual.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5

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