Guru Nanak Gurdwara - High St Smethwick - - 688759

(c) Row17, CC BY-SA 2.0

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Guru Nanak Gurdwara - High St Smethwick Many years ago - far too many to think about - this was the hub of the locality. To the left was the Prince's cinema to which, as children, my father used to take my brother & me. Next to it was a chemists shop above which Tich the barber had his salon. Tich was a retired jockey. The Gurdwara now occupies the site of the Smethwick Congregational Church. Further along was a small, but very busy Post Office then the Midland Bank followed by Lloyds Bank. On this side of the road - where the grass verge can be seen - was Barretts the greengrocer, then Union St followed by a chemists shop and Walsh's, the local department store. It's all changed now & has become little more than a car-park.
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