Hal Holbrook Our Town 1977

NBC Television
Personally bought from eBay.com and scanned from the scanner into the hard drive.
3088 x 4021 Pixel (11410629 Bytes)
Publicity photograph of Hal Holbrook as the Stage Manager in the 1977 television specially-presented adaptation of Our Town. The TV adaptation aired on May 30, 1977, 9–11 PM ET.
Public domain
Komentarz do licencji:
At the time of release, permissions of using this photo was granted to the third-party media for editorial uses only. However, this photo was released during the Copyright Act of 1909 and lacks copyright notice, as indicated in all versions of this file, which the 1909 Act required prior to the Copyright Act of 1976 and the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988. No efforts to correct this omission were made.

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