Holy Wisdom created home

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Russian National Museum inv. no. 28830, icon-art.info
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"Wisdom hath builded her house" (Премудрость созда Себе дом), Novgorod (1548).

The title of this type of icon is from Proverbs 9:1 and refers to the identification of Christ the Logos with Divine Wisdom (Hagia Sophia).

The highly allegoric composition is centered on the "Feast of Wisdom" of Ephesians 3:8-12 The image of the "Power and Wisdom of GOD" on the throne is surrounded by the ranks of the heavenly hierarchy. The Theotokos sits on a throne with Christ Immanuel. Divine Wisdom is depicted in the depths of "divine darkness", dressed in white clothes, sitting on a golden throne with a bowl in her left hand and a sceptre/staff in her right. Her halo is formed from red and green rhombuses. Her throne is supported by seven pillars (Proverbs 9:1) and she is surrounded by the "first order of celestial entities" (De Coelesti Hierarchia 7:4) King Solomon is shown as the "servant of Wisdom", coming from the "hills of the City" to the Theotokos with Immanuel (Proverbs 9:3).

An early icon of the "Wisdom has builded her house" type is a 14th-century fresco in the Church of the Assumption in Volotovo Field, Veliky Novgorod.[1] This icon has some parallels with the Volotovo fresco, including the diagonal table and the shape of the temple, the slaughter of two calves, King Solomon approaching with an unrolled scroll, and the figure of hymnographer Kozma Maiumsky. icon-art.info

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