Hunting and sporting notes in Shropshire and Cheshire, season 1884-85 (1885) (14762030651)



Mytton, H. F
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Identifier: huntingsportingn00bord (find matches)
Title: Hunting and sporting notes in Shropshire and Cheshire, season 1884-85 ...
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Authors: Borderer Mytton, H. F
Subjects: Horses Hunting -- England Shropshire
Publisher: London : A.H. Baily
Contributing Library: Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine
Digitizing Sponsor: Tufts University

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suchan old country gathering would not be allowed to die likea do^ in a ditch for want of a little well-directed pluck atthe eleventh hour. As to hunting—it has been a case of another brokenweek. Frost unexpectedly put down its iron foot onMonday—not sufficiently, however, to stop Sir Watkin atSocket Gate. Goodall came on to Petton, where Mr.Sparling, as usual, found him no end of foxes—fourbrace at least in one or other of the snug spinoiesthereabouts. One of them became a victim, and the restlive to fight another day. What is more satisfactory,however, only one quadruped, Captain Whitmoresfavourite old horse, broke its back during the dangerousprocess of pursuit. Tuesday and Thursday were given up to dancing—onthe former day at Berwick, where everything was de-lightful, I believe, and on the latter day at the MusicHall, where the Young Hunt did its best to make every-thing charming and biilliant. Here, too, success beyondprecedent smiled upon the scarlet runners, who rattled
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The Bcrioich Day, by a friend. 41 away to tbeir hearts content, regardless of frost and thetroubles and difficulties of foxhunting-. Hunt Clubs areverily a Godsend to the matres famUiarum and dancersin general, even if they do not cast an segis of protectionover foxhunting generally. Let us hope and believe thatthey do. Berwick on Friday was destined to dis-apppoint its votaries. The bone in the ground was stillthere, and Mr. Lonsdale acted wisely in postponing untilSaturday the wished-for sport. Such a tempting day,too, it turned out! Such a lamb-like east wind, and suchsoft snowstorms, gently stealing over the heated plain.Borderer was too much liors de combat to encountersuch a day, and is indebted to a friend for the followingdescription. Mr. Arthur LLoyd not only found themplenty of foxes, but the afternoon gentleman must havebeen no ordinary customer, for he travelled over atremendous lot of ground, and fairly earned his victoryat last. After being regaled at a princely breakfas

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