Jean Hardouin, Acta conciliorum et epistolae decretales, vol. 1, p. 10 (cropped) - Canons of the Apostles, 1-4

Jean Hardouin
Jean Hardouin, Acta conciliorum et epistolae decretales, ac constitutiones summorum Pontificum, Volume 1, Ex typographia regia., 1715, p. 10,
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From Jean Hardouin, Acta conciliorum et epistolae decretales, vol. 1, p. 10 (cropped) - Canons of the Apostles 1-4.

Translation (from here):
I. Let a bishop be ordained by two or three bishops.

II. A presbyter by one bishop, as also a deacon, and the rest of the clergy.

III. If any bishop or presbyter, otherwise than our Lord has ordained concerning the sacrifice, offer other things at the altar of God, as honey, milk, or strong beer instead of wine, any necessaries, or birds, or animals, or pulse, otherwise than is ordained, let him be deprived; excepting grains of new corn, or ears of wheat, or bunches of grapes in their season. For it is not lawful to offer anything besides these at the altar, and oil for the holy lamp, and incense in the time of the divine oblation.

IV. But let all other fruits be sent to the house of the bishop, as first-fruits to him and to the presbyters, but not to the altar. Now it is plain that the bishop and presbyters are to divide them to the deacons and to the rest of the clergy.
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