Joao Bosco Cosmopolite 2019 (213939)

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900 x 608 Pixel (183318 Bytes)
João Bosco Quartet at Cosmopolite. The concert took place on 11. May 2019 in Oslo.

Joao Bosco (guitar and vocal)
Ricardo Silveira (guitar)
Kiko Freitas (drums)
Guto Wirtti (bass guitar)
Komentarz do licencji:
This photo was taken by Tore Sætre, some rights reserved.

The photo can be used freely under the terms of the following license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0.
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1) Credit Photo: Tore Sætre / Wikimedia in the immediate vicinity of the image.
2) You are encouraged, but not required, to hyperlink or display this URL, or on Twitter and Instagram my account @toresetrephoto.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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