
Li-Lian Chao, Li-Ling Liu, Tsung-Yu Ho, Chien-Ming Shih
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Light micrographs of female (A, B, and C) and male (D, E, and F) Ixodes ovatus ectoparasitized on cat in Taiwan.A, Dorsal view of female tick showing one pair of long palp (long arrow), oval porose areas (short arrows) situated at the subpentagonal basis capituli and the oval-shaped scutum covered on a half of abdomen (arrowhead); B, Ventral view of female tick showing a special transparent membrane-like structure (white sheet) covered on a third of coxae I (short arrows) and two third of coxae II (long arrows); C, The genital aperture (arrowhead) is situated at a level between coxae III and IV. Laterally, the rounded spiracular plates (short arrow) contain large maculae. The oval-shaped anal groove (long arrow) encircled around the anus with a posterior opening was situated at the end of abdomen; D, Dorsal view of male tick showing the oval-shaped scutum covered on full-abdomen (arrowhead); E, Ventrally, coxae IV of male tick possess short, distinct external spurs (arrowhead), and coxae I–III was characterized with a special transparent membrane-like structure (white sheet) covered on a third of coxae I (short arrow), two third of coxae II and a half of coxae III (long arrows); F, The genital aperture (arrowhead) is situated at level between coxae III. Laterally, the oval-shaped spiracular plates (short arrow) contain small maculae. The adenal plates (long arrows) paralleled with the anus were only observed on male tick.
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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