Kilpeck Angel carving

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540 x 809 Pixel (264540 Bytes)
A scan from a 35mm transparency which I took at the Romanesque church of SS Mary and David in Kilpeck, Herefordshire, England in 1989. It shows a detail of the carvings, at the centre of the arch above the south door, representing a flying angel, with a curled serpent in the linked border above it. Carved during the mid 12th century AD (late Norman period) by an unknown sculptor of the Herfordshire School. This scan is in the Public Domain (however, I retain ownership and copyright of the original transparency and any higher-resolution scans derived from it). If you use the photo outside Wikipedia, a photographer's credit (Simon Garbutt) would be appreciated. SiGarb 13:38, 23 November 2005 (UTC)
Public domain

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