Leonardo da Vinci - Portrait of a Musician - Pinacoteca Ambrosiana

Leonardo da Vinci
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The Portrait of a Musician is an unfinished painting widely attributed to the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, dated to około 1483–1487. Produced while Leonardo was in Milan, the work is painted in oils, and perhaps tempera, on a small panel of walnut wood. It is his only known male portrait painting, and the identity of its sitter has been closely debated among scholars. Until the 20th century it was thought to show Ludovico Sforza, a Duke of Milan and employer of Leonardo. During a 1904–1905 restoration, the removal of overpainting revealed a hand holding sheet music, indicating that the sitter was a musician. This version is from the website of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the museum that houses the painting, and has darker and more realistic tones that are not sacrificed by the flash of a camera.
Public domain

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