Lincoln Castle, Lincoln - - 849582

(c) Dave Hitchborne, CC BY-SA 2.0

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Lincoln Castle, Lincoln Former Prison Buildings - The red brick building to the left is the former Georgian Prison, which was built in 1787 for debtors and felons. The one to the right is the former Victorian Prison, which was built 1845-1846 and housed felons under the new 'Separate System'. Behind this is the Observatory Tower, which stands on the Castle's second motte. A turret was added to the tower in 1820 by the then Prison Governor. Extreme right can just be seen the Lucy Tower, on the original motte of the Castle and surmounted by the Keep. In the grounds of the tower are executed prisoners graves. Wall Walk - In an anti-clockwise direction, this is as far as the walk goes, from the Observation Tower.
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