Linz Dom Fenster 09 img02

Tiroler Glasmalerei
Praca własna, 2010-11
1398 x 1037 Pixel (909549 Bytes)
Linz, Neuer Dom, Glasfenster "Glockenweihe" (Böhm-Führer Nr. 9), Detail: Glockenweihe am 30. April 1902 durch Bischof Franz Maria Doppelbauer
Public domain
Komentarz do licencji:

Freedom of Panorama

This picture of an otherwise copyrighted work may be distributed under the conditions of § 54 (1) Z. 5 of the Austrian copyright law which allows to reproduce, distribute, and publish architectural works of an actual building or other works of visual arts which were created to permanently remain at a public place.

Note: Due to the principle of Lex loci protectionis, this applies only to reuse of this picture in Austria. Reuse in other countries is subject to local law.

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