Liparophyllum exaltatum plant3 SWR NC - Flickr - Macleay Grass Man

Harry Rose from Dungog, Australia
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3000 x 4000 Pixel (2632675 Bytes)
Native, warm season, perennial, tufted herb with a stout, more or less erect underground stem and fleshy roots. Leaves are emergent, erect, longer than broad (between 2-8 cm long) and more or less fleshy. The stalks are much longer than the blades. Flowerheads are open panicles with bright yellow flowers, 20-35 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs from October to April. Grows in stationary or slow flowing water to a depth of 50 cm. This sample was in a very damp area next to a drain running around the golf course at South West Rocks.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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