Lunaite (lunar picrite) (Northwest Africa 6950 Meteorite) 2 (17381788402)

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Lunaite - lunar picrite (Northwest Africa 6950 Meteorite), 104 grams. (Maine Mineral & Gem Museum collection, Bethel, Maine, USA)

This Moon rock (nicknamed NWA 6950) was found in Algeria in 2011. It has been classified as a cumulate olivine gabbro. Considering it is dominated by greenish-colored olivine, three types of pyroxene, with minor plagioclase feldspar, that is a mis-classification. This is not a gabbro - it's a picrite, formed in an ancient subsurface magma chamber on the Moon. The rock formed by crystal settling from slowly cooling magma. The blackish-colored, irregular lines are impact shock veins.

This rock is actually a large clast from a lunar regolith breccia. Other named meteorites that come from the same regolith breccia sample include Anoual, NWA 773, NWA 2700, NWA 2977, NWA 3160, NWA 3170, NWA 3333, NWA 6950, NWA 7007, and NWA 8127.

More info. on NWA 6950:
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