Malignant melanoma on chest

CDC/ Carl Washington, M.D., Emory Univ. School of Medicine; Mona Saraiya, MD, MPH
CDC PHIL, #13444
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This image depicts a patient’s chest, which displays numerous darkly-pigmented cutaneous lesions, which had been diagnosed as malignant melanoma (MM).

When diagnosing MM from a gross pathologic perspective, i.e., with the naked eye, a physician must keep in mind the “ABCDE” rule, which represents:

- A = Asymmetry – Is the shape of the lesion(s) symmetrical, evenly distributed/shaped?

- B = Border Irregularity – Is the border of the lesion(s) smooth or rough?

- C = Color Variability – Is the lesion(s) multicolored, or of a single color?

- D = Diameter – Is the lesion(s) greater than 6mm (0.24in.)?

- E = Evolution – How did the lesion(s) evolve over time, i.e., did it appear, or change, quickly, or over a long

period of time?
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