Mammoth Vein Coal Fig 8

Possibly photographed by or for E. C. DeWolfe, but possibly provided to him by the coal company or the locomotive manufacturer.
E. C. DeWolfe, Operations of Mammoth Vein Coal Co., Bussey, Iowa, The Black Diamond, Vol 37, No. 5 (Aug. 4, 1906); page 30. A higher resolution but higher contrast version appears in Leonard. V. Newton, Electric Locomotive Haulage In and About Mines, B.S. Thesis, Mining Engineering, U. of Illinois, 1913; Plate 41. These images have been combined here. Later in 1906, Goodman made extensive use of this photo in their advertising; see, for example, Black Diamond, Vol. 37, No. 21 (Nov 21, 1906); page 50 and Black Diamond, Vol. 37, No. 22 (Dec 1, 1906); page 50. This photo also appears in Electricity in Mining. the Electrical Record, Vol. II, No. 4 (Oct. 1907), page 16, and as Figure 64 in E.B. Wilson, Evolution of Mine Haulage, Mines and Minerals (Sept. 1910) Vol. 31, No. 2; page 82.
1523 x 944 Pixel (359171 Bytes)
Original caption: "Fig. 8 -- Goodman 80-h.p. Rack Rail Locomotive Pulling 25-ton Trip Up 16 Per Cent Grade -- No. 11 Mine." This mine was located north of Marysville, Iowa and west of Bussey, Iowa. The locomotive uses the Morgan Rack combined third-rail and rack-traction system, and runs on 250-volt DC power at 80 horsepower on 36-inch gauge track. The man on the right is driving the locomotive; the other two men are standing behind it. This photograph was widely used in later Goodman Manufacturing Company advertising and it was used as a stock photo in articles about their mining machines.
Public domain

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