Martyr Saints of China

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Praca własna
4032 x 3024 Pixel (3800032 Bytes)
Memorial plaque for the 120 Martyr Saints of China at Saint Francis Xavier Church (Ho Chi Minh City)
Komentarz do licencji:
Article 25.1(h) of Law No. 50/2005/QH11 of November 29, 2005 amended by Law No. 36/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009 provides for a freedom of panorama provision:
  • "Use of published works in which permission and payment of royalties or remunerations are not required includes ... Photographing or televising of plastic art, architectural, photographic, applied-art works displayed at public places for the purpose of presenting images of these works."

OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svgOK: photography and television broadcasting of plastic arts (sculptures, ceramics etc.), architecture, photographs, applied arts (pottery, furniture etc.) displayed at public places.
OOjs UI icon close-ltr-destructive.svg Not OK: other types of reproduction or representation, and other types of work (paintings, murals, literary texts on plaques or tables, etc.)

See COM:CRT/Vietnam#Freedom of panorama for more information.
Warunki licencji:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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