

Found LOC photo - notes: "Pugilist, Marvin Hart, standing in a boxing stance, left fist out, right fist back. Chicago Daily News, Inc., photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1902. SUMMARY Full-length portrait of Marvin Hart, pugilist, standing in a boxing stance, with left fist out and right fist back, in a stairwell hallway in the Chicago Daily News building in Chicago, Illinois. NOTES This photonegative taken by a Chicago Daily News photographer may have been published in the newspaper.

Cite as: SDN-000848, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago Historical Society."
  • Transfered from the german Wikipedia, the original description page is/was [1]
  • Taken by the Chicago Daily News. Out of Copyright, in the Library of Congress (if you can find it!) but this is taken from the Chicago Reader [2]
500 x 934 Pixel (106890 Bytes)
Heavy-weight champ Marvin Hart
Public domain
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