Max Brückner - Otto Henning - Richard Wagner - Final scene of Götterdämmerung


Max Brückner (1836-1919), printed by Otto Henning AG, Greiz (Otto Henning AG was liquidated in 1931)

Restoration by Adam Cuerden
This file comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b8437160p
4182 x 3410 Pixel (9384723 Bytes)
"Bayreuther Bühnenbilder. Der Ring der Nibelungen. Götterdämmerung, III. Aufzug Schlussbild" - Reproduction of the set design by Max Brückner of the final scene from Richard Wagner's en:Götterdämmerung, showing Valhalla on fire. The German text makes it clear this is the "Genuine and only authorized color reproduction of the painted original by Royal Councillor Prof. Max Brückner in Coburg for the Bayreuth Festival Theatre."
Public domain

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