Maya Chac Mool by Luis Alberto Melograna

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An extremely well preserved Mayan Chac Mool statue now in the Museo Nacional de Antropología of México City. The name 'Chac Mool' translates as "Large Red Jaguar" or "thundering paw" in Mayan.
Original caption by the photographer: Chac-Mool is the name given by Augustus Le Plongeon to a type of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican stone sculpture that depicts a human figure in a position of reclining with the head up and turned to one side, holding a tray over the stomach. The meaning of the position or the statue itself remains unknown. The real name for these type of sculptures is unknown. The name "Chaac Mool" was translated from the Maya and means "Large Red Jaguar" (or "thundering paw"?) It is possible that Chac Mool serve as a human sacrifice stone.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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