Mosquito 600pix

From:en:Image:Mosquito.inflight.600pix.jpg Uploaded originally by en:User:Arpingstone on 25 April 2003
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600 x 432 Pixel (94066 Bytes)
A Royal Air Force de Havilland Mosquito B.XVI (serial ML963) in flight. ML963, 8K-K "King" of No. 571 Squadron, the picture having been taken on 30 September 1944, after the aircraft had completed repairs at Hatfield. ML963 was first issued to 109 Squadron on 9 March 1944, going on to 692 Squadron on the 24th of the same month , and then on to 571 on 19 April 1944. It was damaged in action on 12 May 1944 but returned to the Squadron on 23 October of that year. ML963 completed 84 operations with the Squadron, 31 of them to Berlin (one of the others was a low-level sortie to skip-bomb a 4,000 lb bomb into the Bitburg Tunnel, undertaken on New Year's Day, 1945. The crew were Flt Lt Norman J Griffiths & Flg Off WR Ball). Its final sortie came on 10/11 April 1945, when it was abandoned following an engine fire. The crew, F/O R.D. Oliver and F/S L.M. Young RAAF, rejoined their Squadron before the end of the month, F/O Oliver reporting as early as 22 April 1945.
Public domain
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To dzieło zostało stworzone przez Rząd Zjednoczonego Królestwa i znajduje się w domenie publicznej ponieważ spełnia przynajmniej jeden z poniższych warunków:
  1. Jest fotografią stworzoną przed 1 czerwca 1957;
  2. Zostało opublikowane przed 1972 rokiem;
  3. Jest dziełem pracy artysty innym niż fotografia czy rycina (na przykład obrazem), stworzonym przed 1972 rokiem.

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